A couple weekends ago my mom and close friend Catherine were in charge of organizing the entire Thomasville Furniture home accessory inventory sale. I was able to get so much stuff for literally next to nothing. I swiped things like cow hide rugs, french wire lamps, mirrors, feather beds, and home accents. (clearly all things I need) Most of these things I have no where to put in my apartment so they are nicely tucked away in storage for at least 12 more months. wahh.
Anywho, after lugging home the things I could con Carl into letting me cram in our place I realized nothing, literally nothing goes with what we have now.
This is what I am working with...
These are some of the things I picked up...
a tray of decorative balls
this little guy
a ton of pictures frames (yes, that is Nick and Jessica)
this sweet little gold sea urchin and great coffee table books
and this guy who wouldn't get out of my way until I took his picture
happy saturday